Strategic agreement between My NEO Group and Crypto Expo Milano

My NEO Group announces the strategic agreement with Crypto Expo Milan (CEM), an event dedicated to Blockchain, Crypto, Ecosystems, NFT, Metaverse and Web 3.0, which will take place in Milan from 23 to 26 June 2022. The CEM enhances the experiences of the internaNonal Crypto Community and brings together brilliant minds, big brands, game changers, creators, investors …

My NEO Group announces the strategic agreement with Crypto Expo Milan (CEM), an event dedicated to Blockchain, Crypto, Ecosystems, NFT, Metaverse and Web 3.0, which will take place in Milan from 23 to 26 June 2022.

The CEM enhances the experiences of the internaNonal Crypto Community and brings together brilliant minds, big brands, game changers, creators, investors and industry leaders, with the aim of educaNng and helping the adopNon and disseminaNon of blockchain and digital resources, allowing networking opportuniNes never seen first in Italy. The formalizaNon of the imminent agreement between the two realiNes is inspired by a Win-Win strategy, thanks to which the constant growth of the neo digital ecosystem is concreNzed.

My NEO Group, which also incorporates the digital banking with the brand “Banca Neo”, in addiNon to other Fintech and IT companies, is commiSed to creaNng a real “bridge” between two worlds: that of finance tradiNonal and that of the, or of decentralized finance, related to the technological evoluNon of blockchain. This union guarantees the group to acquire a strategic asset in the organizaNon of themaNc events on this issue, giving an internaNonal breath to the event born in Milan, to promote together with the CEM board team, other annual events in at least ten countries in the world in the world Next years, especially in the territorial markets in which the group operates. The CEM board team will allow My Neo Group to make use of an important know-how in the event management sector.

The common goal is twofold: to become one of the most important points of reference worldwide in the promoNon and disseminaNon of issues connected to Blockchain technology and to play a role of business incubator, through the launchpad of the new group called Neo Angel, to select The best innovaNve start-ups and winning business-ideas in this constantly evolving market.


“The Blockchain world develops at an unimaginable speed. I have never seen before a technology that moves towards global adopNon with this speed. Hundreds of projects are born every day, many bring innovaNon and solve real social problems, but unfortunately, there are sNll projects that have a different purpose: to deceive people. For this reason, My Neo Group unites the forces with the Crypto Expo Milan in the authoritaNve mission of giving credibility and educaNng the world public to use blockchain technology, informing with the contribuNon of selected opinion leaders, on the main topics related to Crypto, Metaverse , NFT and Web 3.0 “

MICKAEL MOSSE – Founder of My NEO Group



“People’s education is the basis of the adoption of blockchain technology. Many people still remember the Dot-com bubble of early 2000 and for this reason they still have a certain fear to invest. My invitation is to deepen the phenomenon. If on the one hand it is true that many companies have failed, with projects that have proved useless and created for speculative purposes only, others grew and have become big players precisely because they brought value, solving concrete problems. Let’s look at the big brands of the new economy: Amazon, eBay, Adobe, Ibm, Oracle and many others. The dotcom bubble is only one aspect of that technological progress, which has led benefits to humanity thanks to the adoption of the internet. After almost thirty years communication and life itself has improved. We are all interconnected. I believe that the present can be understood, studying that period and keeping it as a point of reference on the future evolution of the Blockchain and Crypto world. “

Florin Simovici, Co-Founder CEM



“The transition from web 2.0 to web 3.0 is realizing right now. Events such as CEM facilitate connections between beginners, veterans and industry experts, companies and emerging technological organizations. Essential appointments to spread knowledge and facilitate global adoption.”

Cristian Orto, Co-Founder CEM




“We are pleased to join forces with such an important and ambiNous corporate group with which we share the same values and thanks to which we will be able to create a series of internaNonal events with real added value for the whole Blockchain and Crypto industry. The CEM will be the first event of a long series to be held in Milan and in other countries. We will help the understanding of technological and financial issues to improve people’s lives with the adopNon of Blockchain technology. “

-Valeria Pagano, Co-Founder CEM



“Everything started from the idea and work of a person, who 13 years ago, invented and promoted first the use of blockchain technology with the aim of creaNng a payment system that would eliminate the intermediaries. His white paper is history. His code inspired thousands of people in the world and has given a vision and a mission to saNsfy real needs. From that day that technology has evolved in a disrupNve way. Smart Contract, NFT, decentralized apps. What will the future reserve for us? The limit is only in our imaginaNon. We sNll have to see the best of the applicaNon of the blockchain to the real economy. “

-Marius Bodea, Co-Investor Cem

My Neo Group invites you to parNcipate in the Milan event from 23 to 26 June 2022. Understanding is the first step to act.

For more informaNon on the event, visit the official website of the Crypto Expo Milan.

